Monday, April 15, 2013

Excederin - The Drug NOT To Take Before Race Day!

It has been months since I've had a really bad migraine headache. Wouldn't you know that I got one on Friday morning while teaching my class. The day before my first half marathon of the season and the event that my class has been training for since January. The Kid's Martian Marathon was going to happen despite my fragile head conditions! My students were more than gracious when they had to lower the noise level and I dimmed the lights because they knew that I was in some serious pain. Usually if I catch the migraine early enough, I can deal with the dull ache. So I proceeded with my usual migraine cocktail : three Advil and drinking some caffeine. Well the Advil kicked in and at least allowed me to function throughout the morning.

A co-worker found out that I was still suffering and offered me a "magic little white pill" aka - Excederin. I took it because I was desperate to get rid of the headache. Wowzers, do they work! I was feeling better within an hour but my fragile stomach wasn't feeling so happy. One of the side effects of the "magic little white pill" is that it may cause an upset stomach. (Awesome!)

My migraine finally broke without me throwing up or poking my eyes out, and I scooted over to the race expo. Usually I love going to the race expo to find great products and get excited about the upcoming event. This day I was feeling queasy and praying for short lines. I ran into a dad picking up his race bib for his first 10K (Yahoo!) and his daughter, my student.

Here's a picture of us:

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Getting on my soapbox and putting on my teacher hat.

Get out there and have fun!
Check out that pure running form!

As a parent and a teacher, I find that there are often two different kinds of kids. Some kids are on the move  from the time they wake up to the time their precious head hits the pillow. On the other end of the spectrum are children that have way too much "down" time just chilling out often with electronic babysitters. Of course there are numerous "in between" kids too. Each extreme is unhealthy. I'm a firm believer in creating a good balance for children to thrive. Unfortunately too many children are "chillaxin" too much! Even in my own family, I find myself being critical of too much "down" time. So many children are dangerously obese and this has become something that I have become passionate about. Even my five year old loves to hold plank form while watching TV. She gladly will move to table top position and exclaim, "I did it"! I just want children to realize that they can make small changes that will start them on the path to a healthier lifestyle while having FUN. I will always try my best to champion and encourage a healthy, active lifestyle. So I try to do everything possible to teach my own children and my students to find ways to be active every day. I often will transition from one lesson to another using a "brain break" that involves getting out of our seats and MOVING around and DANCING! 
Check out Koo Koo Kangaroo 

We've been known to have wall sit competitions while doing multiplication facts, plank offs and yoga to refocus. I will try to fit it these in our day to stimulate both sides of the brain. So when our new 2013 resolutions were being made, I challenged the class to make a conscious effort to be more active.

The kids know that I'm a runner and love talking about it with them. Passion is contagious. My students feed on my excitement and I love that running  provides many life lessons that I share with my class. In January I brought up an opportunity for them to participate in a kid's marathon. Within 5 minutes I had everyone fired up and ready to commit. I got the parents to sign up the kids and decided to become a team captain. I am extremely proud of my entire third grade class for dedicating their time to train for their first ever kid's marathon. Team "Out Of This World" will be hitting the road next Saturday to run their last 1.2 miles of the full marathon distance! Props for kids on the move! I love that my class took this challenge on together. Each child has been training and logging 25 miles on their own. Such dedication and drive is certainly worthy of praise. Check out Running Fit's event. for more information.

So it is because of them that I will run the half marathon distance next Saturday before they run their final 1.2.  Truth be told, I'm not ready to run this distance right now, but I will do it for them. They deserve that from me. I am the first to cheer on kids getting active. I will always be the enthusiastic cheerleader in the classroom and out. (After all I was a cheerleader for 10 years. It's in my blood!) I will put one foot in front of the other and think of them as I get through 13.1. I hope that everyone reading this will find a way to encourage a child to get active. I tell my kids that they have it within them to 1. DREAM BIG. 2. SET A GOAL. 3. MAKE A PLAN. 4. FOLLOW THROUGH ON THAT PLAN. 5. NEVER GIVE UP! It's a good message for adults too! You're never too old to start dreaming BIG! 

Cheering them on! (in my loudest cheerleader/teacher voice) 
:) Emily

Try something new with your kids.

This is my mermaid after hours in the ocean.


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