Monday, May 27, 2013

Kickboxing addiction...

After I spent so many hours training for my first marathon last year, I needed a break from so much running. Don't get me wrong I still love running, but my body was telling me that needed something else. So I decided to try kickboxing. I started going every Monday to mix up my running routine and I was hooked! I loved the high intensity of the workout. It was fun, social, and really pushed me. I guess it was something about the music and my instructor, Lizzy, which made me push it beyond my threshold. Plus kickboxing is an AMAZING way to build muscle and sculpt your body. At first I was freaked out by my new found definition in my arms and my legs. Running so many miles gave me a lean look that I was happy with, and now I'm more muscular and I weigh more. Honestly I'm still getting used to accepting the fact that being strong and defined is just fine. Who knew I had guns?!! 💪(Give it a try! You will not be disappointed.) Now I move heaven & earth to make it to class twice a week. I'm addicted. My girlfriend came with me once to class and she commented to me that she loved seeing me so happy killing myself! Ha! Great compliment from a good friend!

Recently I heard about a new gym in town boasting of a challenging kickboxing workout. I was curious to check it out. It was time to step up my kickboxing routine so I anxiously tried a "real" boxing club. Check out there website :  I'm talking 100 pound bags, hand wraps, and stinky gloves! It was challenging but I made it through the hour. My arms are still sore a couple of days out and I have some bruises on my shins from my round house kicks that didn't go as planned-but I LOVED it. I'm even thinking of becoming an instructor. It's my niche. Now I don't want to sign up for the UFC tour any time soon, but I am not afraid to go for it despite my size. It goes well with running for strength building and it makes me feel strong & ready to take on whatever the day throws my way. Plus let's be honest. Who hasn't wanted to just throw a crazy right hook or a fierce round house kick? Just once... Did I mention that it's a fantastic stress reliever? :)


And this is why I love it! Depending on your intensity level, I believe that you can burn 1,000 calories in an hour. Here is the link to a good article from Best Health Magazine which explains the benefits of kickboxing. I'm learning to embrace my new body. I've been told by my man that strong is the new sexy, right? 

My point is simple. Find something that you love to do to stay active. Working out should be fun for you and not torture!
I would love to hear from you! Tell me how you mix up your workout routine. 

Happy training!
Emily :) 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Updating my website...

Please be patient with me as my website is under construction! I'm in the process of updating the look. I hope to have it up and running with a new post tomorrow!

My daughter and I are running the Color Run tomorrow!

Color me happy!


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