Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Play List for the Mo Cowebell Half Marathon

Hello there! I'm putting together a new play list for my next half marathon and I need your help! I agreed to run the Mo Cowbell Half Marathon with my brother- in- law, Greg and my husband's friend, Jason. http://www.mocowbellmarathon.com/ Are you familiar with the Mo Cowbell Saturday Night Live bit? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o0Vv8lr41w 

Why did I do this right before my Detroit Half Marathon on October 20th??? I'm not sure I can answer that sanely. I guess in my mind I thought that I would use this race as more of a training run. Jason is a seasoned runner and did I mention a TRACK coach! He just contacted me on Facebook to say that he would be willing to pace me to my goal time. Thanks- but what if I'm not ready to go for my goal time! I still have a couple weeks of training. While I'm happy to have someone to run with on race day, it kind of freaks me out because I haven't seen Jason in years. I know that he is a much faster runner than me and we've never even ran a mile together let alone 13.1. Plus, don't you just hate it when you feel like you are slowing someone down? I definitely do! My training runs have been going great when I can get them done. I know I haven't logged as many miles as I should, so I guess I'm feeling nervous. I also think I'm comparing my half training to last year's full marathon training where I felt that 13.1 was an easy distance. What a difference a year can make. 

Here's where I would appreciate your help. I need to make up a new play list for the half. I would welcome any suggestions. What is your go to song? Do you save a favorite for the last half mile? I'm bored of mine and need to mix it up. Thanks for your help!

I'll be trying to find my happy pace & not die. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A cruise control app for running & getting back on track.

My life has been one crazy roller coaster lately. Now that I'm back in the swing of teaching a group of eager third graders during the week, and running a household of three children and a husband, I have experienced a little lull in my training. My high hopes of following the Hanson's Half marathon training program has been sidelined. I don't think that my body can handle the high mileage that this program requires. More so, I simply do not want to give up the time to do it. I believe that everyone has the time, they just have to decide what they are willing to sacrifice in order to get that task done.
Just like Thoreau stated...
I do make time for my running and cross training because it makes me a better person all together, however, I am not going to miss out on life as it passes me by. It's a tricky balance this life thing. 

My decision to ditch the Hanson's training plan has left me falling back into what felt comfortable for my last few half marathon plans. I am now following Hal Higdon's Intermediate Half plan. Here is the breakdown for those of you who are not familiar with it. http://www.halhigdon.com/assets/_legacy/halfmarathon/halfinter.pdf

I'm exactly one month away from running a half in Missouri on October 6th. My goal for a PR is for the Detroit Half Marathon on October 20th. I am really familiar with this course and love running in cooler temps. 

APP LOVE for RUNNERS: I came across a really great article by Alex Hutchinson that was featured on the Runner's World Website. http://www.runnersworld.com/workout-music/cruise-control-running If you struggle with keeping your pace steady while running, this article is definitely worth the read. Since I'm trying to stay on target for a PR, I know that I have to keep my pace steady throughout the race. In addition you can run in FREE RUN mode and the app makes sure that your music synchs to your stride! How great is that!? This app can help a runner achieve a specific finish time.  Check out the info here.  http://www.cruisecontrolrun.com/
Let me know if you have ever used this app and your thoughts about it.

Happy running - 


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

13.1 Reasons To Run


To thank God for giving me the ability and strength to run. 
To prove that age is just a number!
To be an example for my family, friends, and students.
To inspire others to go after a goal.
To prove that if it is important to you, you WILL find a way.
To prove to myself that I am getting stronger every day.
To realize that yes, I am a runner.
To feel alive.
To lose myself in the run.
To enjoy every step, moment, which brings me closer to my goal.
To stay a fit mama!
To fit into my skinny jeans! :)
And finally the .1 reason is plain and simple: To feel happy & healthy!

My current goal is to run my best half marathon race on October 20, 2013! I'm going after it and working hard. This time of the year gets really tricky for me as a teacher and mom. I'm right in the thick of getting my classroom ready and preparing for the back to school routine. Training can get really difficult to fit in with many commitments pulling me in many different directions. I can only hope for the best. So today before I drop off my son at basketball camp, run over to my school, clean up the house for company visiting tomorrow, and get in a training run and kickboxing, I thought I would share with you some of my personal reasons why I run. 

Any runners out there who can relate to any of my reasons why I run? Leave a comment about why you run. Do you have any goals that you are working for? I would love to hear from you.

Gotta run!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The ABC's of Me

When I ask my husband, "Why did you do that?" His typical answer is, "I don't know, it's the ABC's of me." Oh that drives me crazy because he thinks he's throwing me off course by throwing that line out there. I don't let it get to me anymore, I simply walk away and make him wonder what I'm thinking. :)

Apparently there is a popular questionnaire being answered by bloggers willing to share a little more info about themselves with their captive audiences. I'm sure some of you have seen this out in cyber land, it's called: The ABC's of Me. While I'm sure that I'm not all that interesting, I decided that I would share a little more with you. The title caught my attention and the teacher in me just couldn't resist. So here I go...

A. Attached or Single? Happily attached to the "ABC's of me guy" and proud to be by his side in this journey we call life.  I can still remember meeting him for the first time at a welcome back to campus party. I was a cheerleader, and he was a football player and well as they say, the rest is history!

B. Best Girlfriend? I have many girlfriends in my life that make my life so much richer with the gift of friendship. It's really hard for me to single out one person. However, if I have to pick one, then I can honestly say that my sister is my BFF. See pic below under letter N. 

C. Cake or Pie? Pie of course - apple or pumpkin pie. 

D. Day of the week? Sunday - family day. 

E. Essential item? My phone. I need it to keep my busy life organized! 

F. Favorite color? Shades of Gray. My students at school started calling me the "shades of gray teacher" and I had to kindly ask them to NOT refer to me by this name! Yikes. I've been trying to mix more color into my life!

G. Gummy bears or worms? Easy - gummy bears! I have been known to buy a bag and stash them in my car...

H. Hometown? Bay City, MI

I. Favorite Indulgence? Beach vacations. I love Mexico.

J. January or July? July for sure! I love summertime and all the activities that it brings. 

K. Kids? Three blessings who call me Mom. Notice the color palate that the kids are wearing? :)

L. Life isn't complete without? My faith in God and my family. 

M. Marriage date? July 1995

N. Number of brothers/sisters? I have one sister, Erin. She is my go to person, my sounding board. We are practically "twins". :) I'm adopted but pretty much grew up thinking that I'm German! 
O. Oranges or Apples? HONEY CRISP APPLES! Absolutely worth the extra cash!

P. Phobias? Heights! Good thing I'm a petite lady! Despite my fear, I did manage to zip line in Mexico above the jungle. I thought I was going to panic when I stepped up on the platform, but the guy shoved me off before I could protest - and after a scream or two, I LOVED IT! 

Q. Favorite quote? Do I have to pick one? I love quotes. Words move me. I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to them. http://pinterest.com/emseltz/words-that-speak-to-me/ 

R. Reason to smile? My life is filled with blessings that make me smile. I love memories that can make me smile no matter what is going on in my life at the moment. Ironic that I have another Pinterest board dedicated to things that make me smile. http://pinterest.com/emseltz/that-made-me-smile/
S. Season of choice? I LOVE FALL! Plus that's my favorite running season. 

T. Tag 5 people. 
1. My friend Kristin blogs at http://coresportstudio.com/blog/
3. +Matt MacDonald  aka as Captain Michigan, is an ever positive force and a fellow Michigander who blogs at http://captainmichigan.blogspot.com
4. +Steve Broderick is a fellow teacher from across the pond and here is a recent post from his running blog http://www.valeultras.blogspot.co.uk/
5. +Raina SmallTownRunner is a lovely person who spreads happiness on Google+ with her running posts. 

U. Unknown fact about me? I have a big crush on Adam Levine. Now you know. 

V. Favorite vegetable? Spinach. Love it.

W. Worst habit? I have a Diet Coke problem...help!

X. X-Ray or Ultrasound? Umm no question - ultrasound. Fell in awe of the miracle of life when I saw my three children at just 12 weeks old.

Y. Your favorite food? I love Mexican food. I could eat Chipolte every day.

Z. Zodiac sign? Libra. Personally I don't put much thought into what sign I am, however here is a list of traits of libras. Interesting. I wonder what my family & friends would say. I can think of a few of these that apply to me. Hmmm.
Diplomatic and urbane
Romantic and charming
Easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable

Indecisive and changeable
Gullible and easily influenced
Flirtatious and self-indulgent

Well, that was fun. I hope that you enjoyed this snippet of my life. I would love it if you picked one letter of the alphabet and left me your personal response. Thanks for playing along. If you have a blog, play nice and answer the ABC's of Me questions and spread some more happiness.

Keep Smiling - Emily :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Finding Time to Workout & Making it Count

Do you ever feel that time is passing right before your eyes and you want to press the pause button? I know I'm not the only woman out there who feels this way. As a wife and mom, I find myself trying to keep up with all the "home front" matters of life and some times it can be overwhelming! Keeping the kids from killing each other and myself sane in the summer months is always interesting! I'm pretty sure that at one time I prayed desperately for them... So between keeping your man happy, being an involved mom, preparing for the upcoming school year, cooking, cleaning, shopping, training for races & being CEO of your home, how does anyone find the time to workout?!! 

Here are 5 tips for making the most of your workout time.

1. Put it on the calendar. Sync it to your significant other's calendar so there are no surprises. 
2. Keep a pair of running shoes & a change of clothes in your car. You never know when you will have an opportunity to sneak a run in. I also throw in a beach towel in the back of the car to dry off sweat or to put it over my seat. Sweaty leather seats don't feel so great on a hot summer day.
3. Invite others to join in on the fun. If you workout with friends, it becomes a social event. I like running by myself, but I love it when I have someone to make the time pass more quickly. My kickboxing class at the gym is something that I look forward to twice a week no matter what! I love the people there. We suffer together and get stronger together! It's about building community and encouraging others in their journey.
4. Workout before dawn or late at night. This is the first year that I can truly feel fine about leaving my big one in charge of the girls. He took the Red Cross Babysitting class and first aide training, so now he's official. This has allowed me to enjoy my night runs or late workouts without feeling too guilty about taking time away from the kids. Don't get me wrong, I am a FIRM believer that taking time to workout makes you a better parent! And yes, I love working out late at night. Leaves me feeling truly drained, ready for a nice shower and the best sleep ever!
5. Involve your family. If you can't get away from the kids, involve them! I love to do active things with my family. It keeps us connected and creates a memory for my kids. Remember when we...? Since I have two older kids who are involved in organized sports throughout the year, it keeps them pretty active. My oldest, Z-Man, focuses on basketball and biking. He just finished up camp at a local university and is now getting ready for Nike Skills camp next week. The Goldfish swims for a big swim club year around and keeps super active. Some days she has two a days! CW has trained Michael Phelps, Allison Schmitt and other famous swimmers but she is not fazed by all the hype. One day she swam next to Tyler Cleary from the Olympic team and didn't realize it until after someone said, "How did you like sharing the pool with an Olympic swimmer?" 

I try to plan a date with my kids individually according to what they enjoy. My son hates to run, but will definitely bike with me. My swimmer will do a kick set in the lanes at the pool with me and comment on how I'm so slow! My little one will go to the "workout park" in our neighborhood to spend time with me. You get the point. It's about making time to be active while having fun!

Whatever you do, make the MOST of your time. I give 110% every time I can because time is precious and I want to make it count. How do you fit in your workouts and keep the home front running smoothly? This post is written from a mom's perspective, but I of course can relate to dad's who are busy running things too. 

TRY THIS: This pic was taken after a killer kickboxing class. 
1. Get into a deep squat position like me. 
2. Keeping your hands in front of you and engage your core throughout the squat. 
3. Once all the way down in position, tap your heels to the ground.
4. Stand up 3/4 of the way up and repeat the motion. 
5. Do this for the entire length of your favorite song. Up, down, tap, up, down, tap, etc. Feels amazing because your core is engaged the entire song and your legs will be crying out for mercy! LOVED IT!
Let me know if you tried it.

Remember LOVE is spelled TIME. Do what you LOVE, LOVE what you do. 
Find the time - 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bloglovin Post

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/9819453/?claim=hfur9s8nuae">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Hello there - 
Just a test post to say that I'm on Bloglovin. Whohoo! I think...
Do any of you use this tool? So far I've found some great blogs. I'll post more info later. If you use it, please let me know. Useful? Have you linked it to Facebook? I don't really like linking anything to my personal Facebook page. I still haven't created a Facebook page for my blog. 

I'm still getting used to all this blogging stuff. My brain is spinning. I need someone to design my website & help me out! Any suggestions are welcome! 

Thank you, Merci, Danke Schon!

Waiting for the magic to happen!
 :) Emily
I'm out of my comfort zone & I need help! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Half Marathon Training Plan Decision Time

It's that time of the year again for me. Time to pick out a training plan to follow for my annual Detroit Free Press Race. Decisions, decisions...why is it so hard for me to pick just one. Do other runner's spend so much time researching and fretting about what to do? In the past I have used Hal Higdon's Half Marathon training plans: Novice and Intermediate 1. I also used Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Full Marathon training plan for my first  26.2. Overall I felt happy with my results. Each time I shaved off time, but I still think that I need more. So, after doing some research I think that I have decided to go with...Hansons' Half Marathon Training Plan. http://www.hansons-running.com/training-plans/half-marathon-training-plan/

So many runners have been writing about the benefits of learning how to run on "tired legs". I have been trying to push myself on my last mile of each training run. It's been hard but rewarding. My last mile I ran was an 8:03 mile after running, going to body combat class, and then running. It was exhausting, but it made me feel that I can push myself harder than I have in the past. Something always seems to hold me back. It's my problem that I have to learn to overcome. Mental toughness. I've got determination for sure, but mental toughness is different.

This plan also includes speed work and long tempo runs. Honestly, I really dread speed work. It's one of those things that I know is necessary, but do I really need to do it? And how much speed work is acceptable? I don't live close enough to train with the Hansons Running Team, so I guess I'm going to find another runner willing to meet me a track to make it less painful.

I have a finishing goal time that I want to go after this year. Last year my half split was 1:58 and I was running conservatively because of not wanting to die on the last part of the marathon. I want to challenge myself to go for it and not hold back. I know the course well and I want it bad! Most runner's can relate to this reason about why we are driven.
Those of you who know me should be smiling right now! LOL. :) Here's the link to the race information. Come run in the D and Canada with me. http://www.freepmarathon.com/events/marathon

Questions: How do you determine which training plan to use? Do you ask friends, research, go with the flow, don't use a plan because you're so awesome!? I would love to hear your comments, advice.

Happy Training -

Sunday, July 7, 2013

What's SUP?

I have been wanting to try Stand Up Paddle boarding (SUP) since last summer. I was vacationing with my family in beautiful Harbor Springs, Michigan when I first saw the brave paddle boarders venture out on the bay. I had always admired the girls in the Athleta catalog for their strength and ability. Part of me wondered if I could manage that skill. My curiosity was fueled this past week while on vacation. 

I watched people paddle board on Lake Michigan and decided to give it a try. My awesome hubby rented two paddle boards and a kayak for the day. Yeah! My chance of checking another item off my fitness bucket list was in reach. 

My first impressions of my new toy for the day was that the board was massive! 11' 4' long and heavy. Second factor I should mention is that the lake temperature was a balmy 56 degrees! So the fear of falling into the frigid water was definitely on my mind! I started on my knees and made my way through the mass of brave swimmers in the cold water. My knees were gradually loosing feeling from the cold, and I was bound and determined not to fall off my board. 

Once I gained enough will power to stand up on my board, I did so with the grace of a football player doing ballet. I gingerly stood up and prayed that I wouldn't fall into the frigid water and shock my heart! And not to mention never hearing the end of the harassing that would certainly be thrown my way by many members of my family spurred on my determination.

I finally got my lake legs and I started to relax and really felt the board respond to the waves. In turn, my body learned how to respond to the changes in the elements and I loved it! I found myself taking in the full experience of the lake, bluffs, and friendly people cheering me on. It was amazing! And by the way, yes, Lake Michigan has waves! 

I ended up paddling for over an hour. It was challenging, yet peaceful. I loved it so much that we rented another board the next day. I even got brave enough to try it with my youngest daughter sitting on the front of the board. It's something that I will never forget. 
I was thrilled to learn that one can burn up to 700 calories an hour depending on your size, conditions, and effort. Paddle boarding engages all your muscles. It is a total body workout! Here's an article by Sam Burrows that explains the many benefits of SUP. http://www.isupworld.com/health-benefits-of-stand-up-paddle-boarding/
I was proud of my family for learning a new skill on vacation. I love that we shared this together and stayed active while on vacation. 

Have you ever tried paddle boarding? I would love to hear your story. What's on your fitness bucket list? I'm happy to report that I never fell in the lake! 

Stay active & find something new to add to your fitness bucket list. Next on my list: paddle board in Mexico or Hawaii. 


Pentwater, MI

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Top List Of What Runners Think About

Top List Of What Runners Think About ... While Running

For this post, I asked some runners what they thought about while running. Here is the list of the top responses.

  1. Whatever is going on in my life, family, work, friends.
  2. Pace, time, foot strike, speed drills and breathing.
  3. Music lyrics and beat.
  4. Swinging arms at a good rhythm.
  5. Praying for people.
  6. Goals in life.
  7. Shaking off the stress from the day.
  8. How much distance is left.
  9. Nothing. La La Land...
  10. And finally: Flirting. (From Pedro)
While this list is just a small sampling of runner's responses, I am sure that many of you can somehow relate to this list. Personally, what I think about on a run varies depending on how my day went. Some runs are simply about enjoying the elements. I love it when I can purge my mind of all the busyness and fog and just run. La La Land here I come. Runner's bliss is something that when achieved is simply put -amazing. 

Some runs are angry or emotional runs.  Or ladies aka PMS runs! Sorry guys I just had to. You know what I'm talking about here, right? Unfortunately there are those days when you just need to get out there to clear your head of the negative thoughts and feelings. It is a proven fact that running helps release happy hormones. Who doesn't like those happy hormones, right? Plus angry runs can be really great PR's. Read this article about the "Runner's High" http://www.imnotfittorun.com/running-for-mental-health.php 

I'm sure every runner has had one of those all business runs. Honestly, I'm getting better at working on my pace, breathing, cadence, form, foot strike and so on. I don't really enjoy this part of running. It's too much for my mind to worry about, but I know that for me to get better at running, I need to pay more attention to all of those things. Ugh. I much prefer losing myself in the moment. I may not be a running model of perfection, but I'm happy most of the time. While training for my first marathon last summer, I would plan out my long runs to correspond with timing on my play list. The beat of the music would help keep my pace going as well as motivating me to make it through the play list. Usually two songs would equal one mile and so on. Now I work on my breathing, speed and pace much more to improve my odds at going after a new half PR. 

A sample of my running play list:
Radioactive : Imagine Dragons
Treasure: Bruno Mars
Blurred Lines: Robin Thicke
Burn It Down: Linkin Park
Troublemaker: Olly Murs
Speak Life: TobyMac
Lullaby: Nickelback
Back to Love: DJ Pauly D
Battlescars: Lupe Fiasco & Guy Sebastian

I find that my mind naturally gravitates to the people who mean the most to me. Some days my mind wanders back in time to those should have, could have moments. You know those "I wish there was such a thing as a mulligan in life moments." And then I try to remember that I hold myself to a standard of grace not perfection. 

On long runs, I try to dedicate a mile to one person in my life who is important to me. Earlier this year, I dedicated each mile to a student in my class. 

I would love to hear from you about what crosses your mind when you run. I hope that you are able achieve that elusive clear mind. If only for just a few miles...

Happy running - 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bearing with my bare naked toes...

It's think about it Tuesday. Today I've got toes on my mind. Maybe because I'm sitting at the pool right now and I'm noticing all the pretty pedicured toes. So I'm exposing my soul, I mean my toes to the world... 

Even before I considered myself a runner, I never liked my feet. Over the past few years I would have to say that my toes leave something to be desired. It's a good thing I live in the north! 

To fully grasp my aversion to my toes, I feel that I must go back in time. My toe woes started when I was a camp counselor in college. I was carrying a big log to put on the fire and promptly dropped it on my 4th toe on my right foot. That nail has NEVER been the same. Several trips to the doctor and same results. It's never going to be the same. Turns out that the body treats the damaged nail bed like an invader and overcompensates for the wound by building up a protective layer of nail. I never wanted to be a foot model, but really, all because I wanted keep the fire burning! 

My next toe injury came after I ran my first trail half marathon. I learned that I was wearing too small of a shoe for running the rugged trails of Michigan in 90 degree heat! I bruised the nail bed on my 2nd toe on my left foot. It's still healing! 

And finally after running my first half of this season, I bruised my big toe on my right foot. I guess my body believes in equal distribution of pain. 

Then to make matters worse my dear friends performed minor surgery on an ingrown nail thanks to my half injury. Pain like you wouldn't believe even after a few adult beverages! The nail is finally growing back after loosing most of it over the winter. 

I knew it was time to schedule the first pedi of the season. I dread it for a couple of reasons. First, I'm half Asian. I was adopted from Seoul by very loving German parents. It never fails that the nail techs talk about me and try to figure me out. They talk to each other and then smile at me and finally ask about where I came from. I politely throw a question back at them and say, "What do you think my heritage is?" People often think I'm from Hawaii or Japan. It makes me smile. To really confuse them I have answered in French or German! Hah! Second because they always say, "You must be a runner."

Anyway, here's to summer and bearing my toes. My life would not be the same without running. Well, maybe I would have prettier toes. It's all about perspective and I choose to remember that I earned those injuries by doing something that has enriched my life. 

Any other people out there "bearing" their toes? 

So happy summer running- go ahead let your toes breathe! 

Emily :) 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy National Running Day

If someone would have told me "Happy National Running Day" a couple of years ago, I would have given them my slightly annoyed smile and thought nothing of it. Today, I'm excited to wish my fellow runner friends, "Happy National Running Day!" If you are not familiar with it you can click http://www.runningday.org/. You can create your own badge to proudly display on your social media websites. Simply click on the link and create it!
So it got me thinking about why I run. There are many reasons that I could think of: my family, to be an inspiration to others, to prove that I can, for health benefits, so I can enjoy wine, for alone time with myself, and truly for my sanity. I guess that may sound dramatic, but running truly does give me that feeling of peace, clarity and joy. 

I always thought that was crazy when "runners" would talk about their love for running. I would silently comment in my mind whenever I heard someone speaking such words. I can now say that I'm one of those runner people. Even though I'm not a professional or an elite runner or a crazy fast runner, I consider myself a runner because I lace up my shoes to log miles of sanity a couple times a week. So for all those out there in cyber land, I hope that you will join me in a late night run and celebrate running. It's been a crazy couple of days as I am wrapping up my school year (1 1/2 days left, but who's counting...) and my sweet baby girl graduates from Kindergarten tonight! But I promise you, I WILL get in a nice run tonight in honor of National Running Day! So tell me why you run. I love your comments. 

People always ask me why I am smiling when I race. 
It's simple: I'm happy. 

Happy Running  - 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Kickboxing addiction...

After I spent so many hours training for my first marathon last year, I needed a break from so much running. Don't get me wrong I still love running, but my body was telling me that needed something else. So I decided to try kickboxing. I started going every Monday to mix up my running routine and I was hooked! I loved the high intensity of the workout. It was fun, social, and really pushed me. I guess it was something about the music and my instructor, Lizzy, which made me push it beyond my threshold. Plus kickboxing is an AMAZING way to build muscle and sculpt your body. At first I was freaked out by my new found definition in my arms and my legs. Running so many miles gave me a lean look that I was happy with, and now I'm more muscular and I weigh more. Honestly I'm still getting used to accepting the fact that being strong and defined is just fine. Who knew I had guns?!! 💪(Give it a try! You will not be disappointed.) Now I move heaven & earth to make it to class twice a week. I'm addicted. My girlfriend came with me once to class and she commented to me that she loved seeing me so happy killing myself! Ha! Great compliment from a good friend!

Recently I heard about a new gym in town boasting of a challenging kickboxing workout. I was curious to check it out. It was time to step up my kickboxing routine so I anxiously tried a "real" boxing club. Check out there website : http://www.titleboxingclub.com  I'm talking 100 pound bags, hand wraps, and stinky gloves! It was challenging but I made it through the hour. My arms are still sore a couple of days out and I have some bruises on my shins from my round house kicks that didn't go as planned-but I LOVED it. I'm even thinking of becoming an instructor. It's my niche. Now I don't want to sign up for the UFC tour any time soon, but I am not afraid to go for it despite my size. It goes well with running for strength building and it makes me feel strong & ready to take on whatever the day throws my way. Plus let's be honest. Who hasn't wanted to just throw a crazy right hook or a fierce round house kick? Just once... Did I mention that it's a fantastic stress reliever? :)


And this is why I love it! Depending on your intensity level, I believe that you can burn 1,000 calories in an hour. Here is the link to a good article from Best Health Magazine which explains the benefits of kickboxing. http://www.besthealthmag.ca/get-healthy/fitness/5-amazing-benefits-of-kickboxing-for-women?slide=1 I'm learning to embrace my new body. I've been told by my man that strong is the new sexy, right? 

My point is simple. Find something that you love to do to stay active. Working out should be fun for you and not torture!
I would love to hear from you! Tell me how you mix up your workout routine. 

Happy training!
Emily :) 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Updating my website...

Please be patient with me as my website is under construction! I'm in the process of updating the look. I hope to have it up and running with a new post tomorrow!

My daughter and I are running the Color Run tomorrow!

Color me happy!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Excederin - The Drug NOT To Take Before Race Day!

It has been months since I've had a really bad migraine headache. Wouldn't you know that I got one on Friday morning while teaching my class. The day before my first half marathon of the season and the event that my class has been training for since January. The Kid's Martian Marathon was going to happen despite my fragile head conditions! My students were more than gracious when they had to lower the noise level and I dimmed the lights because they knew that I was in some serious pain. Usually if I catch the migraine early enough, I can deal with the dull ache. So I proceeded with my usual migraine cocktail : three Advil and drinking some caffeine. Well the Advil kicked in and at least allowed me to function throughout the morning.

A co-worker found out that I was still suffering and offered me a "magic little white pill" aka - Excederin. I took it because I was desperate to get rid of the headache. Wowzers, do they work! I was feeling better within an hour but my fragile stomach wasn't feeling so happy. One of the side effects of the "magic little white pill" is that it may cause an upset stomach. (Awesome!)

My migraine finally broke without me throwing up or poking my eyes out, and I scooted over to the race expo. Usually I love going to the race expo to find great products and get excited about the upcoming event. This day I was feeling queasy and praying for short lines. I ran into a dad picking up his race bib for his first 10K (Yahoo!) and his daughter, my student.

Here's a picture of us:

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Getting on my soapbox and putting on my teacher hat.

Get out there and have fun!
Check out that pure running form!

As a parent and a teacher, I find that there are often two different kinds of kids. Some kids are on the move  from the time they wake up to the time their precious head hits the pillow. On the other end of the spectrum are children that have way too much "down" time just chilling out often with electronic babysitters. Of course there are numerous "in between" kids too. Each extreme is unhealthy. I'm a firm believer in creating a good balance for children to thrive. Unfortunately too many children are "chillaxin" too much! Even in my own family, I find myself being critical of too much "down" time. So many children are dangerously obese and this has become something that I have become passionate about. Even my five year old loves to hold plank form while watching TV. She gladly will move to table top position and exclaim, "I did it"! I just want children to realize that they can make small changes that will start them on the path to a healthier lifestyle while having FUN. I will always try my best to champion and encourage a healthy, active lifestyle. So I try to do everything possible to teach my own children and my students to find ways to be active every day. I often will transition from one lesson to another using a "brain break" that involves getting out of our seats and MOVING around and DANCING! 
Check out Koo Koo Kangaroo 

We've been known to have wall sit competitions while doing multiplication facts, plank offs and yoga to refocus. I will try to fit it these in our day to stimulate both sides of the brain. So when our new 2013 resolutions were being made, I challenged the class to make a conscious effort to be more active.

The kids know that I'm a runner and love talking about it with them. Passion is contagious. My students feed on my excitement and I love that running  provides many life lessons that I share with my class. In January I brought up an opportunity for them to participate in a kid's marathon. Within 5 minutes I had everyone fired up and ready to commit. I got the parents to sign up the kids and decided to become a team captain. I am extremely proud of my entire third grade class for dedicating their time to train for their first ever kid's marathon. Team "Out Of This World" will be hitting the road next Saturday to run their last 1.2 miles of the full marathon distance! Props for kids on the move! I love that my class took this challenge on together. Each child has been training and logging 25 miles on their own. Such dedication and drive is certainly worthy of praise. Check out Running Fit's event. http://www.martianmarathon.com/events/kid-s-marathon.html for more information.

So it is because of them that I will run the half marathon distance next Saturday before they run their final 1.2.  Truth be told, I'm not ready to run this distance right now, but I will do it for them. They deserve that from me. I am the first to cheer on kids getting active. I will always be the enthusiastic cheerleader in the classroom and out. (After all I was a cheerleader for 10 years. It's in my blood!) I will put one foot in front of the other and think of them as I get through 13.1. I hope that everyone reading this will find a way to encourage a child to get active. I tell my kids that they have it within them to 1. DREAM BIG. 2. SET A GOAL. 3. MAKE A PLAN. 4. FOLLOW THROUGH ON THAT PLAN. 5. NEVER GIVE UP! It's a good message for adults too! You're never too old to start dreaming BIG! 

Cheering them on! (in my loudest cheerleader/teacher voice) 
:) Emily

Try something new with your kids.

This is my mermaid after hours in the ocean.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Giving Back - Be a wish granter!

Each year I when I think about my race schedule, I struggle with what I should sign up for. If money and time were not an issue, I would have a calendar filled with destination races, and exciting venues all over the world! Of course, the reality of my life prevents this from happening! So as race season gears up, my mailbox is bombarded by many brochures and opportunities. The ones that often catch my eye and pull at my heart-strings are the runs or events that championship a cause.

 Each year the fine people at Make-A-Wish put on an amazing event to help raise money to grant wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses. Honestly, I am NOT a spinner or a cyclist. I only had my bike from college. You can imagine just how awesome that bike was! I was talked into doing this event by some of my wonderful friends who have done the event in the past.

I didn't really feel the passion for the event like my friends did and I started to wonder if this was really for me. Remember I'm not a biker chick! Plus, I was training for my first marathon so my schedule was pretty packed. Well, two hybrid bikes, gear, glide, clips, shoes, several road rash injuries, and a new bike rack later, I felt that there was no turning back. I raised the money for the event and went to the fundraising events that my team organized but still didn't feel 100%  hooked. It wasn't until July 29th, (a great day to celebrate my wedding anniversary with my hubby) that I realized the true mission of Make- A-Wish. I was feeling nervous as we rolled into the famous Michigan International Speedway grounds. Almost instantly I realized that it didn't matter that I felt like such a biker newbie or looked like a complete idiot on my hybrid bike, (road bike envy) I was just one of many who wanted to give back.

The ride was scenic and fun. I had a wonderful time laughing with my friends and touching base with the 300 milers at the rest stops. It was challenging for sure. Who knew Michigan is so hilly? I didn't quite have my biking legs, but I kept thinking about the kids. The moment that it all came clear for me was when we were coming to the silent mile. This is a memorial for all the kids that are not with us today. Their journey ended far too soon. It was emotional and moving. It was impossible to not thank God for blessing me with my healthy children. I will never forget that moment. Once I composed myself and started up again, I started to feel the energy of the group change as we got closer to the finish. The crowd cheered as we rode the final lap around MIS. It was hotter than blazes and my legs were on fire, but I didn't care. I looked for my children and for our wish hero. Little Cole was waiting for us and cheering us on. It was an amazing feeling.

The day was topped off by getting a "thank you" hug from our wish hero. Here is the pic. So 50 miles is just a small task that I do simply for that moment. Please consider giving to this amazing organization. You too can be a wish granter!  Make A Wish Personal Fundraising Page
If you have moment, please watch this video to see what Wish A Mile is all about. This is our wish hero rolling across the finish line with some members of Tour de Wishes!
On the rode to grant wishes - Em

Monday, March 11, 2013

Inherited? or Learned?

Ok, time to think back to science class. I am teaching about traits in science class this week. It always amazes me when I look into the eyes of my children and see myself looking back at me. Inherited traits are those things that you are born with obviously. Learned traits are a totally different ballgame. Many people say that I have two little versions of me running around. My daughters are exactly 6 years and 2 days apart. When I look at their baby pictures, it is hard to tell them apart. They share many of my physical traits for sure, but today's lesson got me thinking about what learned traits that I've actually passed on to my children.

Of course my hope is that I would only pass along my positive traits, however I know that they have "learned" some of my not so desirable traits too. One lesson that I have stressed to my children is to never give up on a task that is difficult or new. Try it out and then make your decision. I think that it has caught on with my oldest daughter. She entered her first triathlon when she was 9. She is naturally athletic (inherited) but also possess a crazy "let's do this" kind of spirit. (learned? or inherited?) Hmmm I'd like to think both. My point is that as an parent and teacher, I'm given the responsibility of passing along some pretty powerful learned behaviors. 
I love this picture from her triathlon. The look of determination is one that is familiar to me too. It's that never give up face that I hope I possess when running. I love that she never gave up during her race. She was first out of the open water swim, then fell behind in the biking, then kicked it in during the run. I love that her drive to finish strong was evident to all. It was a proud moment for me. Not because she got first, but because she did not give up. What made me extremely proud was that she congratulated the girl who she passed on a great race. (inherited or learned?) Your children are a reflection of you. At times it is hard to admit that and then there are those moments when you realize that you aren't doing such a bad job after all.

What are you passing along?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

What's your story?

Do you suffer from the comparison bug? It can be an easy trap to fall in to. I've done it from time to time. Let's be honest here, most people find themselves doing this in life every now and then. Whether it be in your personal life, career, race results, whatever - it can steal your joy. I have been feeling down about not running as much as I did last year so I spent a rare Saturday morning looking back over the past year in hopes of getting some personal motivation. I discovered that I logged over 350 miles in just a few short months leading up to my marathon. For me that was an insane amount of miles. During that time, I guess I was focused on my training, I was "in the zone" and probably too darn tired to truly crunch all the numbers to realize how crazy it truly was for me. I did exactly what St. Francis said. I started by doing what was necessary which finally led to what I thought would be the impossible.

I love those words. I need to remind myself every once in a while that I have come a long way from run/walking with my toddler in my jogging stroller. My love affair started when I decided that I needed to shed some of my "surprise" baby weight. I joined some of my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) friends to walk/run for exercise. It was fun for me and kept me accountable. One day after our run, I casually asked if any one was interested in signing up for a local 5K. WHAT?! I convinced two other friends to join me and we started training. I finished that first 5K in 29 mins and was hooked! I then set my eyes on a 10K, half, and finally this past year my first 26.2. Ever since that first 5K, I haven't broken up with running. Sure there were periods of time when I would say that we were on a "break". (Friends reference - think about Ross!) I'm gearing up for spring training. Just like any relationship, there must be give and take. Effort directly effects the results, right? That being said, I can proudly say that my relationship status with running is on-going! I will try my best to give to the relationship and I am positive that running will continue to give back two-fold.
Here is the link to the video. 


Joy in the journey -
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Saturday, February 23, 2013

What are you passionate about?

I love great quotes from people, from songs, movies, books etc. You get the idea. Words move me. I can't help but feel connected to someone simply by reading a simple revelation from their life that I can relate to.   Today I saw this quote and it made me think about what I'm passionate for. Is it true for you as it is for me? Passion IS contagious. One can tell if you are passionate about a hobby, your faith, your family, your life. I'm sure that you have met that one person who exuded "passion" for something. Thank them. Encourage them. Support them. I needed to be reminded about this tonight. Don't let someone damper your passion. 

I certainly hope that all my passions in life are evident. What are you passionate about? 

Let your passion shine on!
 - E

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

That's where the magic happens.

You know that feeling when you are so spent from giving your all during a run or workout that you can barely move? Remember that feeling? Oh yeah, it feels great! After you catch your breath, your adrenaline kicks in and your body naturally sends out more happy hormones that make you feel like you can conquer the world. Runner's refer to this as the "runner's high". That's the goal of anyone striving to get in shape -to achieve that moment of complete bliss and satisfaction. It means that you didn't hold back and that you definitely earned your shower tonight. I love those workouts. Tonight Lizzie, my Kickboxing guru, put together one killer workout. I could only get to the gym in time for a quick warm up run so I hit the treadmill for 2 miles before class. I was happy with my 17:18 warm up. Kickboxing has sculpted my body in such a different way than running has. It makes me feel strong despite my size and powerful. I finally have "guns" and definition. Highlights from tonight: 100 round house kicks, squats and my personal favorite pyramid push up drills. Those left me dripping with sweat. Basically you do 10 punches above your head and then drop to the floor for 10 push ups. Then you continue on 9, 8, 7, etc. Be brave and try something totally outside of your comfort zone. That's where the magic happens.

So after my "one heck of an ab crunchin' workout", I rushed home to my kids to take care of the final night time routines and now I'm going to seriously enjoy my shower. I may even allow myself a glass of my favorite wine, Francis Coppola's Claret. It was well earned. Have a blessed night.
 - Em

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Have you downward dogged lately?

Many runners experience a good and not so good problem. That problem is tight muscles. After turning a certain age this past year, I began to notice that I'm not so flexible anymore. Hmmm... I like to think that maybe it was training for my first marathon that did me in. I'm not sure, but one thing I was certain about is that I needed to do something about my flexibility. So after researching articles about runners and increasing your flexibility, I realized that I needed to try yoga. Yes, yoga. 

I first tried doing some yoga stretches that I found on www.runnersworld.com and Pinterest. While those were helpful, I felt that I was not getting true results. It was then that I decided to buy a Groupon to try out a yoga studio. I've been to Hot Vinyasa twice since joining. Let me say that I was a little nervous at first. I was afraid that it might be a lot of "mother earth" people sweating profusely in the 85 degree room and I wouldn't be able to bear the smell. After my first class I felt pretty good. It was a very intense class, but I felt like I kept up with the more experienced yoga peeps. Tonight I went for the second time and realized that there are some really flexible and serious yoga people out there! In my mind I'm wondering how they move like that and make it look extremely graceful AND strong at the same time? I learned some new poses tonight and really worked up a good sweat. 

I'm told that yoga is about finding peace and happiness in a pose and letting your body "thank you" for your practice. Well... I was trying to be grateful to my body when in the last sequence of flow we assumed the splits position. OUCH! I haven't done the splits (on purpose) since I was in college. I have a feeling that my hip flexors will not be thankful tomorrow. 

The point of my rambling is that I am thankful that I can still walk after putting my body through positions that I didn't think were possible. Typically I'm inclined to running, cardio workouts, and weights. All tighten and firm which is fabulous, but life and I suppose my workout schedule is all about embracing new experiences along the way. My new experience is yoga. And yes, I downward dogged many times tonight and I liked it! 

Here is a morning yoga sequence for you to try. Hope it gets you moving in the right direction.

My friend Kristin is a pilates instructor and this is her blog. I'm sure that she can get you to stretch out your muscles too! I'm going to have to check out pilates next! Please check it out http://coresportstudio.com/blog/

Stay flexible - Em

Sunday, February 17, 2013

One thing that I admit has become an addiction of mine is Pinterest. I was skeptical at first when a friend told me to check it out. Great another social network site to waste my time on. The difference with Pinterest is that I actually learn so much from my pins. Thank you to all the crafty, creative, brilliant people out there! So please check out my pins on my fitness-inspiration board. These are little bits of information that I love. So what are you pinning? Here's one of my favorite pins from one of my boards. 


Well, I didn't get to run today because I was at a swim meet from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM for my not so little goldfish. This is championship season for short course, so it's been absolutely nuts! The goldfish has 4 Junior Olympic cuts. Whoohoo! Then it was off to met friends at BW3's for some not so good food for a fundraiser. Did I mention that my backside feels bruised from yoga the other day and most likely the countless consecutive hours sitting on my "stadium seat" in the sauna like conditions of the natatorium? Oh the things we do for our children. 

Glad that I got my run in late last night. Many of my friends think I'm crazy for running late at night, but honestly it's the perfect way for me the wrap up the day. I'm trying to become a morning runner, but I need much inspiration to get my tired body moving in the wee hours of the day!! HELP! So how do transform myself into an early riser? 

Friday, February 15, 2013

On your mark, get set, go!

Hello there! It's my first day of winter break, and so I thought I would explore the world of blogging. One particular reason has prompted me to start my own fitness, motivational, running blog: to stop annoying my "friends" on Facebook with all my running/workout posts. I know that it can be annoying for all of my friends to see that I ran x many miles today and that they really don't care. *sigh* Personally I think that seeing my friends posts about fitness or any other subject manner which may seem mundane to most is actually inspirational to me. I admire people who are out there getting it done. It inspires me to get moving too! Always try to find the positive in all posts/people! That being said, I will try my best to use this as my sounding board to my fellow running peeps and those who decide to follow me. I am not an expert runner or fitness guru. I'm just an average runner who strives to put one foot in front of the other for several miles a week. 

Currently I'm on a rest period of running. I will be gearing up for spring races and have signed up for the Detroit Half Marathon www.freepmarathon.com this fall. It will be my third time running this race and I'm hoping for a PR. Best half time is 1:57, my split from my marathon. I've got a lot to work on, but I was happy with that time for my first marathon half time. Right now it's simply maintenance runs for me mixed in with more cross training. My new favorite workout is cardio kickboxing! Lizzie kicks my butt every Monday and Wednesday at the gym. The workout is challenging and extremely invigorating. I feel amazing after class. I try to mix it up with yoga too. It is a good way for me to stretch out all those tight muscles from running. Anyway, who doesn't wish to be more flexible, right? It's actually a really good workout and a great way to sweat it out.
You should try it some time. 
How do you get your yoga on? Here's a good article for runners - http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/fitness_articles.asp?id=1578
Here's to a new adventure - Thanks for listening to me ramble on.

 - Emily


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