Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Play List for the Mo Cowebell Half Marathon

Hello there! I'm putting together a new play list for my next half marathon and I need your help! I agreed to run the Mo Cowbell Half Marathon with my brother- in- law, Greg and my husband's friend, Jason. http://www.mocowbellmarathon.com/ Are you familiar with the Mo Cowbell Saturday Night Live bit? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o0Vv8lr41w 

Why did I do this right before my Detroit Half Marathon on October 20th??? I'm not sure I can answer that sanely. I guess in my mind I thought that I would use this race as more of a training run. Jason is a seasoned runner and did I mention a TRACK coach! He just contacted me on Facebook to say that he would be willing to pace me to my goal time. Thanks- but what if I'm not ready to go for my goal time! I still have a couple weeks of training. While I'm happy to have someone to run with on race day, it kind of freaks me out because I haven't seen Jason in years. I know that he is a much faster runner than me and we've never even ran a mile together let alone 13.1. Plus, don't you just hate it when you feel like you are slowing someone down? I definitely do! My training runs have been going great when I can get them done. I know I haven't logged as many miles as I should, so I guess I'm feeling nervous. I also think I'm comparing my half training to last year's full marathon training where I felt that 13.1 was an easy distance. What a difference a year can make. 

Here's where I would appreciate your help. I need to make up a new play list for the half. I would welcome any suggestions. What is your go to song? Do you save a favorite for the last half mile? I'm bored of mine and need to mix it up. Thanks for your help!

I'll be trying to find my happy pace & not die. 


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