Sunday, June 30, 2013

Top List Of What Runners Think About

Top List Of What Runners Think About ... While Running

For this post, I asked some runners what they thought about while running. Here is the list of the top responses.

  1. Whatever is going on in my life, family, work, friends.
  2. Pace, time, foot strike, speed drills and breathing.
  3. Music lyrics and beat.
  4. Swinging arms at a good rhythm.
  5. Praying for people.
  6. Goals in life.
  7. Shaking off the stress from the day.
  8. How much distance is left.
  9. Nothing. La La Land...
  10. And finally: Flirting. (From Pedro)
While this list is just a small sampling of runner's responses, I am sure that many of you can somehow relate to this list. Personally, what I think about on a run varies depending on how my day went. Some runs are simply about enjoying the elements. I love it when I can purge my mind of all the busyness and fog and just run. La La Land here I come. Runner's bliss is something that when achieved is simply put -amazing. 

Some runs are angry or emotional runs.  Or ladies aka PMS runs! Sorry guys I just had to. You know what I'm talking about here, right? Unfortunately there are those days when you just need to get out there to clear your head of the negative thoughts and feelings. It is a proven fact that running helps release happy hormones. Who doesn't like those happy hormones, right? Plus angry runs can be really great PR's. Read this article about the "Runner's High" 

I'm sure every runner has had one of those all business runs. Honestly, I'm getting better at working on my pace, breathing, cadence, form, foot strike and so on. I don't really enjoy this part of running. It's too much for my mind to worry about, but I know that for me to get better at running, I need to pay more attention to all of those things. Ugh. I much prefer losing myself in the moment. I may not be a running model of perfection, but I'm happy most of the time. While training for my first marathon last summer, I would plan out my long runs to correspond with timing on my play list. The beat of the music would help keep my pace going as well as motivating me to make it through the play list. Usually two songs would equal one mile and so on. Now I work on my breathing, speed and pace much more to improve my odds at going after a new half PR. 

A sample of my running play list:
Radioactive : Imagine Dragons
Treasure: Bruno Mars
Blurred Lines: Robin Thicke
Burn It Down: Linkin Park
Troublemaker: Olly Murs
Speak Life: TobyMac
Lullaby: Nickelback
Back to Love: DJ Pauly D
Battlescars: Lupe Fiasco & Guy Sebastian

I find that my mind naturally gravitates to the people who mean the most to me. Some days my mind wanders back in time to those should have, could have moments. You know those "I wish there was such a thing as a mulligan in life moments." And then I try to remember that I hold myself to a standard of grace not perfection. 

On long runs, I try to dedicate a mile to one person in my life who is important to me. Earlier this year, I dedicated each mile to a student in my class. 

I would love to hear from you about what crosses your mind when you run. I hope that you are able achieve that elusive clear mind. If only for just a few miles...

Happy running - 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bearing with my bare naked toes...

It's think about it Tuesday. Today I've got toes on my mind. Maybe because I'm sitting at the pool right now and I'm noticing all the pretty pedicured toes. So I'm exposing my soul, I mean my toes to the world... 

Even before I considered myself a runner, I never liked my feet. Over the past few years I would have to say that my toes leave something to be desired. It's a good thing I live in the north! 

To fully grasp my aversion to my toes, I feel that I must go back in time. My toe woes started when I was a camp counselor in college. I was carrying a big log to put on the fire and promptly dropped it on my 4th toe on my right foot. That nail has NEVER been the same. Several trips to the doctor and same results. It's never going to be the same. Turns out that the body treats the damaged nail bed like an invader and overcompensates for the wound by building up a protective layer of nail. I never wanted to be a foot model, but really, all because I wanted keep the fire burning! 

My next toe injury came after I ran my first trail half marathon. I learned that I was wearing too small of a shoe for running the rugged trails of Michigan in 90 degree heat! I bruised the nail bed on my 2nd toe on my left foot. It's still healing! 

And finally after running my first half of this season, I bruised my big toe on my right foot. I guess my body believes in equal distribution of pain. 

Then to make matters worse my dear friends performed minor surgery on an ingrown nail thanks to my half injury. Pain like you wouldn't believe even after a few adult beverages! The nail is finally growing back after loosing most of it over the winter. 

I knew it was time to schedule the first pedi of the season. I dread it for a couple of reasons. First, I'm half Asian. I was adopted from Seoul by very loving German parents. It never fails that the nail techs talk about me and try to figure me out. They talk to each other and then smile at me and finally ask about where I came from. I politely throw a question back at them and say, "What do you think my heritage is?" People often think I'm from Hawaii or Japan. It makes me smile. To really confuse them I have answered in French or German! Hah! Second because they always say, "You must be a runner."

Anyway, here's to summer and bearing my toes. My life would not be the same without running. Well, maybe I would have prettier toes. It's all about perspective and I choose to remember that I earned those injuries by doing something that has enriched my life. 

Any other people out there "bearing" their toes? 

So happy summer running- go ahead let your toes breathe! 

Emily :) 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy National Running Day

If someone would have told me "Happy National Running Day" a couple of years ago, I would have given them my slightly annoyed smile and thought nothing of it. Today, I'm excited to wish my fellow runner friends, "Happy National Running Day!" If you are not familiar with it you can click You can create your own badge to proudly display on your social media websites. Simply click on the link and create it!
So it got me thinking about why I run. There are many reasons that I could think of: my family, to be an inspiration to others, to prove that I can, for health benefits, so I can enjoy wine, for alone time with myself, and truly for my sanity. I guess that may sound dramatic, but running truly does give me that feeling of peace, clarity and joy. 

I always thought that was crazy when "runners" would talk about their love for running. I would silently comment in my mind whenever I heard someone speaking such words. I can now say that I'm one of those runner people. Even though I'm not a professional or an elite runner or a crazy fast runner, I consider myself a runner because I lace up my shoes to log miles of sanity a couple times a week. So for all those out there in cyber land, I hope that you will join me in a late night run and celebrate running. It's been a crazy couple of days as I am wrapping up my school year (1 1/2 days left, but who's counting...) and my sweet baby girl graduates from Kindergarten tonight! But I promise you, I WILL get in a nice run tonight in honor of National Running Day! So tell me why you run. I love your comments. 

People always ask me why I am smiling when I race. 
It's simple: I'm happy. 

Happy Running  - 


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