Thursday, September 5, 2013

A cruise control app for running & getting back on track.

My life has been one crazy roller coaster lately. Now that I'm back in the swing of teaching a group of eager third graders during the week, and running a household of three children and a husband, I have experienced a little lull in my training. My high hopes of following the Hanson's Half marathon training program has been sidelined. I don't think that my body can handle the high mileage that this program requires. More so, I simply do not want to give up the time to do it. I believe that everyone has the time, they just have to decide what they are willing to sacrifice in order to get that task done.
Just like Thoreau stated...
I do make time for my running and cross training because it makes me a better person all together, however, I am not going to miss out on life as it passes me by. It's a tricky balance this life thing. 

My decision to ditch the Hanson's training plan has left me falling back into what felt comfortable for my last few half marathon plans. I am now following Hal Higdon's Intermediate Half plan. Here is the breakdown for those of you who are not familiar with it.

I'm exactly one month away from running a half in Missouri on October 6th. My goal for a PR is for the Detroit Half Marathon on October 20th. I am really familiar with this course and love running in cooler temps. 

APP LOVE for RUNNERS: I came across a really great article by Alex Hutchinson that was featured on the Runner's World Website. If you struggle with keeping your pace steady while running, this article is definitely worth the read. Since I'm trying to stay on target for a PR, I know that I have to keep my pace steady throughout the race. In addition you can run in FREE RUN mode and the app makes sure that your music synchs to your stride! How great is that!? This app can help a runner achieve a specific finish time.  Check out the info here.
Let me know if you have ever used this app and your thoughts about it.

Happy running - 



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