Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Finding Time to Workout & Making it Count

Do you ever feel that time is passing right before your eyes and you want to press the pause button? I know I'm not the only woman out there who feels this way. As a wife and mom, I find myself trying to keep up with all the "home front" matters of life and some times it can be overwhelming! Keeping the kids from killing each other and myself sane in the summer months is always interesting! I'm pretty sure that at one time I prayed desperately for them... So between keeping your man happy, being an involved mom, preparing for the upcoming school year, cooking, cleaning, shopping, training for races & being CEO of your home, how does anyone find the time to workout?!! 

Here are 5 tips for making the most of your workout time.

1. Put it on the calendar. Sync it to your significant other's calendar so there are no surprises. 
2. Keep a pair of running shoes & a change of clothes in your car. You never know when you will have an opportunity to sneak a run in. I also throw in a beach towel in the back of the car to dry off sweat or to put it over my seat. Sweaty leather seats don't feel so great on a hot summer day.
3. Invite others to join in on the fun. If you workout with friends, it becomes a social event. I like running by myself, but I love it when I have someone to make the time pass more quickly. My kickboxing class at the gym is something that I look forward to twice a week no matter what! I love the people there. We suffer together and get stronger together! It's about building community and encouraging others in their journey.
4. Workout before dawn or late at night. This is the first year that I can truly feel fine about leaving my big one in charge of the girls. He took the Red Cross Babysitting class and first aide training, so now he's official. This has allowed me to enjoy my night runs or late workouts without feeling too guilty about taking time away from the kids. Don't get me wrong, I am a FIRM believer that taking time to workout makes you a better parent! And yes, I love working out late at night. Leaves me feeling truly drained, ready for a nice shower and the best sleep ever!
5. Involve your family. If you can't get away from the kids, involve them! I love to do active things with my family. It keeps us connected and creates a memory for my kids. Remember when we...? Since I have two older kids who are involved in organized sports throughout the year, it keeps them pretty active. My oldest, Z-Man, focuses on basketball and biking. He just finished up camp at a local university and is now getting ready for Nike Skills camp next week. The Goldfish swims for a big swim club year around and keeps super active. Some days she has two a days! CW has trained Michael Phelps, Allison Schmitt and other famous swimmers but she is not fazed by all the hype. One day she swam next to Tyler Cleary from the Olympic team and didn't realize it until after someone said, "How did you like sharing the pool with an Olympic swimmer?" 

I try to plan a date with my kids individually according to what they enjoy. My son hates to run, but will definitely bike with me. My swimmer will do a kick set in the lanes at the pool with me and comment on how I'm so slow! My little one will go to the "workout park" in our neighborhood to spend time with me. You get the point. It's about making time to be active while having fun!

Whatever you do, make the MOST of your time. I give 110% every time I can because time is precious and I want to make it count. How do you fit in your workouts and keep the home front running smoothly? This post is written from a mom's perspective, but I of course can relate to dad's who are busy running things too. 

TRY THIS: This pic was taken after a killer kickboxing class. 
1. Get into a deep squat position like me. 
2. Keeping your hands in front of you and engage your core throughout the squat. 
3. Once all the way down in position, tap your heels to the ground.
4. Stand up 3/4 of the way up and repeat the motion. 
5. Do this for the entire length of your favorite song. Up, down, tap, up, down, tap, etc. Feels amazing because your core is engaged the entire song and your legs will be crying out for mercy! LOVED IT!
Let me know if you tried it.

Remember LOVE is spelled TIME. Do what you LOVE, LOVE what you do. 
Find the time - 

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